
Short Review

Forensic Analysis of WhatsApp: A Review of Techniques, Challenges, and Future Directions

Nishchal Soni*

Published: 18 June, 2024 | Volume 8 - Issue 1 | Pages: 019-024

WhatsApp, a widely used instant messaging application, has become a valuable source of digital evidence in forensic investigations. This review article explores the forensic analysis techniques, challenges, and future directions associated with WhatsApp. It covers the extraction and analysis of data from various sources, including mobile devices, cloud backups, and network traffic. The article discusses the challenges faced by forensic examiners, such as encryption, data volatility, and the need for proper validation of tools. It also highlights the importance of keeping up with the latest updates and changes in WhatsApp’s features and security measures. The future directions for WhatsApp forensics are explored, focusing on the development of more advanced and efficient analysis techniques, the need for standardization, and the importance of international cooperation in addressing cross-border investigations. This review provides insights for forensic examiners, researchers, and legal professionals involved in cases requiring WhatsApp evidence.

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WhatsApp forensics; Data extraction techniques; Encryption challenges; Forensic tool validation; Social media forensics


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