
Literature Review

The Effectiveness of Chromotherapy on Youth

Kriticka Acharjee*

Published: 25 September, 2023 | Volume 7 - Issue 1 | Pages: 049-054

The majority of people view color therapy as an alternative therapy. It is a rather young field of study. There are a tonne of various elements in life that might affect your mood and mental health. It is proposed that colors and colored lighting can improve one’s physical or mental health. If you want to create a calm and clear workplace, it’s critical to understand how color influences your mood. The interaction between the human body and colors has been thoroughly explored in a variety of research. Despite the fact that color therapy has been used for thousands of years, people’s interest in it has grown more recently. Different body parts are related to different colors. These are the various energy centers’ inherent healing abilities. In today’s age of globalization, color therapy is one of the most well-liked complementary treatments used to affect people’s conduct and brains. In forensic psychology, color is a crucial element that helps to build our surroundings. Without color, our world would be lifeless and sad. It is essential to our built environment, especially for teenagers, people who are partially blind, adolescents, and those who, for one reason or another, feel confined and dissatisfied with their way of life. Our brains are programmed to focus on things that stand out from our surroundings in terms of color. Which qualities and traits we associate with a person are influenced by the color of her clothing. Depending on the context, it may be culturally prejudiced due to political movements or historical occurrences. This review clarified the significance of this therapy and its advancement in the field of psychology, raised awareness among today’s youth, and added a fresh perspective to this investigation.

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Alternative therapy; Colored lights; Health improvement; Mental health; Treatment; Influence behavior; Healing abilities; Psychology


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